
Saturday, October 1, 2011


Hello! I'm Michele, Catholic convert of 16 years, wife of 15 years, and homeschooling mama of a girl-boy-girl-boy foursome. 
We're expecting our "tiebreaker" in May 2012. 
our blessings: our 11y.o. daughter is enjoying her second year in the Little Women of Hospitality program
while our 5 y.o. daughter is loving her first year in Little Flowers.

I am a former Little Flowers "craft mama" who needed a place online to collect ideas for Little Flowers crafts.  This blog is that place. 

Some posts are my own tutorials, or just snapshots of crafts our girls created. 

Most posts are links or round-ups of creative ideas from other crafty folks.  Some will require a little imagination to create a Catholic, virtue-based craft from a secular creation. 
But, through God all things are possible, right? :-)
A disclaimer or two- this site is not affiliated with the Little Flowers Girls' Clubs, but rather seeks to supplement a program that has been a true blessing for our family.  Secondly, the sites recommended are only for those specific posts- I'm hoping and praying that nothing else about the sites are offensive. I find a nifty craft and create a link, and that's it. So surf further on those sites with caution, 'kay?

that's me with our LF group- 2010...
Use the tabs above for specific Wreaths, or for crafts that could be used for multiple virtues, saints, or flowers.  The labels on the right sidebar can help with specific saints, virtues, flowers, or even materials.

Be sure to check the resources as well- there are some wonderfully talented ladies out there sharing some lovely, lovely gifts- coloring pages, paper dolls, and other amazing resources. Little Flower official materials can be ordered from links at the top of the sidebar.

Finally, this is a work in progress- I will post as my duties as wife and mother allow. 
I hope that this little blog will bless you and your Little Flowers. 
God bless you all!

1 comment:

  1. welcome michele. i just found your lovely blog. i look forward to following you.

    you and your growing family will be in my prayers.

    Ad Jesum per Mariam,
